What’s on this page
Below you can keep up to date with the latest NCGS news.
Scroll below to find some links to the surrounding community, including Norwood Forum, where you can keep up to date with what’s going on in Norwood.
At the bottom of the page is our socials- another great avenue to keep up date with what we do an a day to day basis.
NCGS Annual General Meeting - Oct 2024
Dear Parents/Carers/Local Community and Council Officers, Norwood Community Group Services would like to announce our Annual General Meeting.
The meeting Held on Friday, 18th October 2024 @ 19:00.
This will be a perfect opportunity to hear about the work we do within the community and meet all the trustees.
The details of the meeting which will include looking at NCGS accounts, activities and achievements between the periods of 2023 -2024 can be provided upon request
Yours sincerely,
Jamal A Rahman (Chief Executive Officer)
What a Summer of Fun! 2024
We had mixed martial arts combined with fitness and exercise training on 29th July -19th August 2024. The young people in attendance thoroughly enjoyed themselves and each one received a goody bag at the end of each session. This project was delivered at the Old Library 14-16 Knights Hill SE27 0HY
Well done Assia!
Well done Assia! for completing the 6th kyu Green belt grading, on 22nd July 2024. You are an excellent example of what can be achieved through hard work and dedication.
Recent Kickboxing AQA!
On this day July 2nd 2024 8 Young People received an Assessment & Qualification Alliance (AQA). Introduction To Kickboxing certificate. Well done!
Congratulations to Oscar and Malek!
Stead/Sensi facilitated the training for these two young people, both completed their BTKA Orange belt 8th KYU on the 20th May 2024. Well done and congratulations!
Orange Belts (8th Kyu) Awarded!
Sted/Sensei graded Miranna and Eli on Monday 18th of March 2024 and both passed their Orange belts (8th Kyu). They have both excelled since attending the Karate classes. Well done!
Congratulations to Modesola and Micah!
Shakeel/Mentor facilitated the learning of (unit 3) AQA award on the 12th March 2024. Modesola and Micah both achieved a Health and Wellbeing/Healthy Lifestyles certificate, plus £20 each in Sports Direct vouchers to spend. Well done!
Bronze at the BKTA Washinkai Nationals
Michel, Miranna and Eli, completed in their first British Karate Traditional Association 45th Washinkai Championship National Competition.
This event took place on Sunday the 3rd March 2024. Venue: Madeira Hall Canons Leisure Centre Madeira Road, Mitcham Surrey CR4 4HD.
All three young people excelled in their respective age categories and as a result all three received bronze medals for their determination hard work and skills.
Well done Michel, Miranna and Eli you are an excellent example for the other young people who you train with every week.
NCGS would also like to thank Sted (Sensei), who teaches all the young people at the club.
When do classes start again in the new year?
We’ll be back to our regular fitness and self-defence sessions after the holiday break.
Karate will commence again on Monday the 8th of January 2024.
Kickboxercise will commence on Tuesday the 16th of January 2024.
See you then!
NCGS Annual General Meeting - Nov 2023
Dear Parents/Carers/Local Community and Council Officers, Norwood Community Group Services would like to invite you to our Annual General Meeting.
To be held on Wednesday 8th November 2023 @ 19:00 at the Old Library, 14-16 Knights Hill West Norwood, SE27 0HY
This will be a perfect opportunity to hear about the work we do within the community and meet all the trustees.
The meeting will be an informal event, which will include looking at NCGS accounts, activities and achievements between the periods of 2022 -2023
We are always keen to hear the views of the community; all feedback will be greatly received.
We look forward to seeing you.
Yours sincerely,
Jamal A Rahman (Chief Executive Officer)
What a summer of fun, food and multi-sports!
All young people in attendance received a bag full with healthy food/fruit to take home with them.
This year we allowed the young people to pick the activities they wanted to participate in. The choices available were Basketball, football, Karate/Washinkai style and kickboxercise.
The young people thoroughly enjoyed the sessions and some have vowed to continue training with us after the summer break and we look forward to accommodating them.
We would like to thank Wayne, Shakeel, Theresa and Arin for making this summer project a great success. We would also like to thank our sponsors 'Thriving Norwood and the Norwood Forum' for funding these projects, especially in a time when households across Lambeth and Greater London are faced with hardships. (living crisis). The funding we received enabled us to make both projects free of charge which was well appreciated by the young people and their parents.
Project locations listed here: Karate/ Washinkai Style was facilitated at The Old Library 14-16 Knights Hill West Norwood SE27 0HY Fitness & Sports (multi sports) was facilitated at The Elm Green School, Elm Court Road West Norwood SE27 9BZ
Karate Summer Project 2023
Karate/washinkai sessions is designed to promote self discipline and fitness . Young people will have the opportunity to achieve an AQA accreditation. These activities are facilitated by qualified trainers. All participants will receive healthy food and refreshments throughout the programme.
Sports Summer Project 2023
Kickboxercise, football and basketball sessions for young people. The activities are designed to improve physical wellbeing and promote inclusion of team sports. During the holiday period young people will participate in self-defence training and recreational sporting activities i,e football & basketball. Young people will have the opportunity to achieve an AQA accreditation. These activities are facilitated by qualified trainers. All participants will receive healthy food and refreshments throughout the programme.
HAF Spring of Food and Fun
The young people enjoyed four days of fruit, fun and training, all young people in attendance received fruit as part of the healthy eating programme.
The sessions commenced with fun exercises, which included football, skipping and outdoor warm ups. Once the warm up or leisure time had passed, Wayne and Marcus put the young people through their paces with kickboxing and self defence techniques which they thoroughly enjoyed! Look out for the videos on our Instagram page, coming soon!
NCGS Recent AQA Presentation
NCGS are happy to announce! 5 successful young people have completed the AQA accredited unit ‘Introduction to Kickboxing’. All Participants received an AQA certificate and a pair of boxing gloves as part of our accredited outcomes program. Well done!
NCGS and 4all Consortium collaboration
NCGS has successfully completed their collaboration with 4all on a 6 weeks Assessment and Qualification Alliance (AQA) accredited training programme on the Peabody Estate. Resulting in 6 AQA Accredited young females in Kickboxing and Self Defence!
Assessment Qualification and Alliance (AQA):
Get Accredited Here for free! just attend any of our current projects/programs throughout the year and achieve accredited outcomes. AQA certificates are recognised in schools throughout London and viewed as an extra curriculum activity.
Winter Holidays Activities Food & Fun Programme 2022 (HAF):
NCGS delivered a 4 day winter project in partnership with Lambeth 'Winter of Food and Fun programme'. The theme was hats, gloves, fruit and hot meals with refreshments, the young people and parents in attendance thanked NCGS and the HAF programme. The project was delivered at the Elm Green School in West Norwood.
Summer Holidays Activities Food & Fun Programme 2022 (HAF)
NCGS delivered a 6 weeks summer project in partnership with 'Lambeth Summer of Food and Fun programme'. The theme was healthy eating and fruit, snacks and refreshments were distributed to all in attendance. 6 students were awarded the (AQA) Assessment and Qualification Alliance accreditation in Karate and Kickboxing. The projects were delivered at the Elm Green School and The Old Library in West Norwood, both were well attended.
Other local organisations to stay in the loop with:
Norwood Forum
Norwood Forum is run by local volunteers dedicated to supporting a sustainable, vibrant, and creative community by making a positive difference to the quality of life for the people who live, study, and work in Norwood.
West Norwood Feast is a community event built around 100 market stalls over four sites around the high street. It is run almost entirely by local volunteers.
N.A.G (Norwood Action Group)
NAG is forward looking and has contributed to the promotion and protection of many of West Norwood, Tulse Hill and Upper Norwood’s positive features.
our socials
The best way to keep up to date with what we’re doing is through our socials!